What is Personalized Trials?
Typically, treatments are selected based on research studies with a large group of patients, and most of the time that works.
What is Personalized Trials?
Typically, treatments are selected based on research studies with a large group of patients, and most of the time that works.
But what works for an average person might not work for you.
What if the research study was personalized to you? That’s what we call “Personalized Trials."
Personalized Trials is all about collecting your data. You’ll track how you’re doing while trying different treatments.
For example, imagine you’re trying to find the right blood pressure medication for you.
To find out which drug is best for you, you could conduct a Personalized Trial. During the Personalized Trial, you would track…
You can track effects of two or more blood pressure medications by measuring your blood pressure with a home blood pressure device twice per day.
Track whether you’re experiencing any side effects at the end of each day using an electronic diary.
Review data summarizing the effects of each blood pressure medication on your blood pressure and on side effects.
Decide which blood pressure medication to continue with your doctor.
In this way, Personalized Trials can be used to help you find the best treatment for a variety of health conditions and symptoms.
How do I get started?
Please select one to find out how you can get involved.